Plants Vs. Zombies

Plant Vs. zombies is a franchise that means a lot to me...! I've known about it since I was young, but in recent years it's come to mean a lot to me! Here I will talk about Plants Versus Zombies, and why I love it so much! ^_^

What is Plants Vs. Zombies?

Plants vs. Zombies is a franchise of video games developed by Popcap and Electonic Arts! There's a bit of discourse surrounding Electronic Arts, but I'd rather not talk about that!

The franchise originally started out as tower defense games! The first game, Plants Vs. Zombies, involves the player defending their house from a horde of Zombies trying to eat their brains. Everything about its art and design are incredibly charming - and the game is super fun too!! And the plants... I love the plants! They're incredibly cute, but also a little strange. Little things ^_^

Garden Warfare

Of course, since Plants Versus Zombies is a Franchise, there are a lot of sequels. All of them add something unique to the franchise, but the games I love the most (and the ones I will be talking about) are the Garden Warfare Games.

The Garden Warfare games are third-person-shooter spin-offs of the PVZ Games! It sounds weird.. And it kinda is.. But they build on PVZ in such a unique way that I absolutely adore. The games are SUPER INCREDIBLY FUN! I always have a blast playing them!!! But everyone knows the games are fun, so I will talk about the things people don't appreciate as much: The Art of Garden Warfare.

Garden Warfare's Art

Garden Warfare redesigns the plants in a way that's... Interesting. When I first got into PVZ, I found the designs weird. But I've grown to really love them. I appreciate that they went out of their way to give all of the plants unique anatomy! The plants really FEEL like a plant that just got up out of your garden and started walking around. They're very cute to me!

I'm also absolutely in love with the backgrounds in the Garden Warfare Series - Particualrly the first Garden Warfare. They're all some sort of town, city, or neighborhood, yet they all have no people (since you can't play as a person)! The lack of humans makes the places feel eerie - These houses and stuff should have people, but they're gone! The way the towns are designed add to this as well - There are brands and posters... Stores, houses... They aren't clean, either. Everything is a bit worn, not falling apart, just used. It captures the feeling of a place that's been lived in, where people had lives and jobs. The warm yellowish color everything has also adds a nostalgic quality to the backgrounds. They feel so real and tangible, like I've been there, which is a really rare feeling to capture.

I Really Like PVZ

I really feel like I've only scratched the surface with why I love PVZ so much, but I hope this page has given you an idea. I'm Pinceconepal on EA, by the way. I'm not good at PVZGW say Hi if you see me! Here's some other things I didn't include, but want to mention:

I love sunflowers & Peashooters!

All PVZ music ROCKS

I own that one Peashooter costume in real life

Oh also you should look at my PVZ fanart page ^_^

Thank you for reading all of this!

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